The Parish of Firswood and Gorse Hill
"Enjoying Life in Jesus, Sharing His Love"
St Hilda's is an active, growing, local church
on the edge of inner city Manchester
in the Borough of Trafford and
Diocese of Manchester
Sunday services start at 10.30am
We continue with lots of fellowship time and refreshments after the service, sometimes sharing lunch.
We support Trafford North Foodbank - food or financial donations gladly received at church.
Please click here for our main Christmas 2024 events
(we also have school and university specific Christmas services/activities)
St Hilda’s - Vision for 2024
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchers stand guard in vain. Psalm 127.1
Joining in with the Lord - Not going solo; Not relying on our own resources; Not deciding without being led; Taking part in God’s project, not asking him to bless/help ours; Developing and protecting with the Lord, not being passive, yet also not being independent.
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchers stand guard in vain. Psalm 127.1
Joining in with the Lord - Not going solo; Not relying on our own resources; Not deciding without being led; Taking part in God’s project, not asking him to bless/help ours; Developing and protecting with the Lord, not being passive, yet also not being independent.

Some regular weekly events, do join us for:
- Sunday Services at 10.30am, to welcome Jesus, hear God's word, worship and pray
- Bible study and prayer Wednesday 9.30-10.30 followed by coffee and fellowship
- ESOL class Friday 9.30-11.30am (during school term time);
- Spanish/English on Tuesday evenings 7.00-8.30pm (term time). All standards welcome - new beginners and more proficient - it's very informal.
We are delighted that Spanish speakers are joining us, and include some Spanish within the service as part of welcoming them.
"Growing Numbers, Growing Disciples, Growing Leaders"
Key focus:
● Welcome, warmth and worship
● Children, young people and families
● Cross language/culture growth, including our Spanish speakers
"Growing Numbers, Growing Disciples, Growing Leaders"
Key focus:
● Welcome, warmth and worship
● Children, young people and families
● Cross language/culture growth, including our Spanish speakers
Please note that our church both subscribes to Manchester Diocese’s Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy and follows the House of Bishops Parish Safeguarding Handbook in line with Manchester Diocesan policy - these can both be accessed from the diocesan website:
Safeguarding policy
House of Bishops Parish Safeguarding Handbook
Our safeguarding officer is Peter Kennedy. Any concerns may be raised with him by phone 07847164661 or he may be contacted via email:
Or you may wish to contact the rector via the church number or email:
The diocesan safeguarding officer may be contacted on 0161 828 1451 or by email:
For more information see our safeguarding notice as displayed at church here.
Please note that our church both subscribes to Manchester Diocese’s Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy and follows the House of Bishops Parish Safeguarding Handbook in line with Manchester Diocesan policy - these can both be accessed from the diocesan website:
Safeguarding policy
House of Bishops Parish Safeguarding Handbook
Our safeguarding officer is Peter Kennedy. Any concerns may be raised with him by phone 07847164661 or he may be contacted via email:
Or you may wish to contact the rector via the church number or email:
The diocesan safeguarding officer may be contacted on 0161 828 1451 or by email:
For more information see our safeguarding notice as displayed at church here.