General Service Information
Our weekly worship service at 10.30am on Sunday is accompanied by children's groups, except on the first Sunday. We start the service all together and children leave for their groups after the first part of the service. When it is a communion service children rejoin us for communion, (and children can be admitted to receive communion - please feel free to discuss this with one of the ministers if you would welcome this for your child).
On a first Sunday the service is a little shorter and designed to include children, who stay in throughout this week, as well as being geared for adults.
There is a creche area within the main worship space, at the front on the right, where smaller children (0-2) are welcome to stay in the service every week (at the front so they can see and feel included), as well as an area separate from the worship space at the back should you need it.
On a first Sunday the service is a little shorter and designed to include children, who stay in throughout this week, as well as being geared for adults.
There is a creche area within the main worship space, at the front on the right, where smaller children (0-2) are welcome to stay in the service every week (at the front so they can see and feel included), as well as an area separate from the worship space at the back should you need it.
Service Pattern
- First Sunday 10.30 service is Worship for All - it is kept shorter (approx 1 hour) and designed to include everyone as far as possible. There is also an earlier 8.15am service of communion on this Sunday.
- Second and Fourth Sundays 10.30 service is communion and tends to be an hour and a quarter to an hour and a half long, with children's groups alongside (with children rejoining the congregation for communion in the latter part of the service).
- Third and Fifth Sundays 10.30 service is morning worship, more open in style and approx an hour and a quarter long, also with children's groups alongside the service.
Services are followed by refreshments - hot and soft drinks, biscuits, often cake and sometimes a shared lunch too. We make a point of ensuring we serve excellent coffee (fairly traded).
Sunday evening meetings vary but include prayer meetings, informal communion, healing services and Taize style reflective worship.